
Friday, April 23, 2010


" favorite time" LO for Sawyer's album! He sure can make a mess when he plays in his room!!
"Bubble Bath Fun" LO for Saywer's album! He loves playing in the tub!

"Winter Wonderland" LO for Sawyer's album. After our first huge snowfall this past winter we took Sawyer for a walk in the woods! Not sure he like the snow too much, but really enjoyed playing with a stick in the snow.

"Presents" LO for Sawyer's album! Yay...Santa was here!! It was so fun watching him open gifts! There was plenty of times he said "Wow!!"

"Christmas 2009" LO for Sawyer's album. Sitting in front of the Christmas tree all dressed up!

1 comment:

  1. Wow- looks like you have been busy!!! Al of your layouts are great . Your son is adorable. Have a great day!!
