
Monday, December 13, 2010

Featured Artist...

Featured Artist:

My little guy has been having a blast in my room creating with me lately! 
The other day he started digging through some of my "extras" which I have in a drawer, looking at me with he's cute face I obviously gave in and let him have a few things. 

He found an extra Create a Critter Zebra I had cut out a while ago.  He told me he wanted to make a card for Grandma.  So here it is....
Sawyer's 1st Card! He's so proud of his card he made!!

Here's a picture of him really concentrating while he was gluing the zebra to the card! :)

After he colored on it a little bit he said, "Momzy, take a picture!" and as I was taking a picture he said, "Zebra say cheese!"  Since he wanted me to take a picture, I thought I would share it with everyone!

Hope that puts a smile on your face on a Monday morning!! 


  1. There are only 2 days left to enter a Holiday card in my Decmeber Challenge. This card would be perfect! I love that your son made it...your pictures are so cute! I'd love you to stop by my blog and see what else I'm up to!
    Stay warm and dry! Karelj

  2. Kenra,
    This is precious. I absolutely love it.
    Love the "Zebra say cheese" part. Your son is adorable, by every meaning of the word.

  3. Way to go buddy!!! He takes after his 'momzy'. Had a great time the other day : ) See you Thursday!

  4. OMG! He is so precious! Nothin' is better than having your baby create with you!

  5. Oh Kendra...your little boy is precious and his card is cute, too!

  6. Tell Sawyer he did a wonderful job on his card! I bet Grandma is in 7th heaven to have had him make it just for her! He must keep you laughing every day!
